Arizona is on the verge of allowing late-term abortions.

You can stop it by voting NO.

Proposition 139 is a critical ballot initiative in the upcoming general election in Arizona this November. This proposal would legalize elective abortions even into the final stages of pregnancy.

Vote NO on Proposition 139 and help spread the word to others.

Save Babies in Arizona

Help us raise awareness about Prop 139 and potentially save around 9,855 babies in Arizona every year by filling out the form for more details. Can we count on your support in spreading the word?

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Why Vote NO?

Voting NO on Proposition 139 means safeguarding the lives of unborn children, preventing elective abortions that could happen at any stage of pregnancy, including up to birth.

Our society must protect its most vulnerable members. Every life, from conception, has inherent value and deserves protection.

What Does God’s Word Say?

All human life is made in the image of God.

God is the Creator of all life, from the moment of conception.

“You shall not murder.”

“Love your neighbor as yourself,” (this includes innocent babies in the womb).

Answering Common Objections

Abortion is the highest crime being committed today.
Equal protection is about ensuring that the law protects justice for everyone, including babies and mothers.